Fly Carbon Neutral with SENNAIR Helicopter

The world seen from a bird’s eye view is unique and breathtaking. A change of perspective not only helps us to get an overview of something but helps us to see how big the traces are, that we as humans leave on the planet.
SennAir offers sightseeing flights, taxi flights, movie flights as well as lodge-supply flights – besides that we are also carrying out animal and carcass salvages, assembly flights and wood transportation. This work is necessary to support local companies and farmers in their own work.
Dennoch: Hubschrauberfliegen ist nicht nur positiv besetzt. Stichwort: Flugverkehr als Klimakiller. Fakt ist: Der Anteil der CO2-Emissionen der Luftfahrt am weltweiten CO2-Ausstoß beträgt nur 3,01 Prozent.
Nonetheless, flying a helicopter does not always have a positive connotation. Keyword: air traffic as a climate killer. It is a fact that the aviation only contributes 3.01 percent of the CO2-emission to the worldwide CO2-output. But still, we want to reduce our CO2-footprint in the world. That’s why we calculate our daily CO2-emissions together with the Carbon-Connect AG and balance those with a climate protection project. This climate protection project that we chose aims for protecting the ancestral rain forest, as our forests are the second biggest natural carbon sinks on our planet, meaning that we must save those. We decided that every time we carry out an important helicopter flight, a tree in Brazil will be planted and the rain forest will be cultivated.
sennair zertifikat

You probably ask yourself: why not in Austria?

GThat is really simple: forests are the basis of existence for at least 1.5 billion people. Rain forests are homes to around 50% of species worldwide. Reforestation projects in developing countries also assist in fighting poverty. Planted trees near to the equator do not only help fighting against the climate crisis but also fighting against drought and desertification as well as protecting from erosion.
Since 2021 SennAir is climate neutral. We still want to give you the opportunity to experience and enjoy our beautiful world from above. A change of perspective can affect a lot of things: it fascinates you, makes you humble – and it creates room for new ideas. Ideas that can save our planet!
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